Sunday 24 March 2013


I thought I would add a basic list of all my injuries for anyone interested...

  1. Broken Left Femur (thigh) - snapped in half and flipped over itself requiring bone removal and plates and screws.
  2. Shattered Pelvis - Six breaks around the pelvis in the pelvic ring and an acetabular fracture on the right side (the socket of the hip joint which is broken when the head of the femur is forced into it) which I now know to be quite rare and usually requires hip replacement in the future...
  3. Sacral fracture - Fractures of the sacrum (base of the spine above the tail bone)
  4. Spinal fracture -  Fracture of the lumbar 5 section of the spine.
  5. Road Burns - I aquired second degree road burns to my right shoulder, right hip, chest and right side of my head from being dragged by the car. These went through my leather jacket and jeans. My hip had to be stitched shut and the skin at the top of the burn was completley open.
  6. Broken right wrist - Only acknowledged 3 weeks after the accident.
  7. Right anterior clavicular dislocation - Dislocated collar bone (same as Joss's inury) also only ackowleged weeks after the accident.
  8. Lascerated Liver - My liver was literally burst as my liver consultant put it...
  9. Split Nose - The left half of my nose was ripped away and amazingly stitched back on
  10. Deviated Septum - the middle part of the nose has been bent out of shape from the force
  11. Hole to left side of chin - Pretty self explanetory, from the chin strap of my helmet being pulled off with force. (if we had tightened the strap that day as we nearly did, my aw would of been pulled off my face)
  12. Detatched Lip - My lower lip was ripped away from my gums
  13. Full thickness Burn to my Back - My back was stuck to the cars exhaust pipe leaving me with a full thickness burn which needed grafts.
  14. Deep Grazing - To my cheeks, arms and legs.
  15. Both Lungs filled with fluid - Had lung drains put into both lungs. 
  16. Black eyes - Not very significant but hey I've never had black eyes before!   
  17. Fractured Jaw - Acknowledged 4 months after the crash when I returned to the maxillofacial team because I still had a lot of pain chewing (no wonder) and the lovely doctor had another look at my initial MRI and CT scans focusing on my jaw.
DRIVE SAFE, George xxx   

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